Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

The Place of Breath in Cinema: 10 Years On
Dr Davina Quinlivan The interdisciplinarian is best equipped to walk inside (and alongside) the lands of breathlessness, translating across border-lands wherever possible as she moves. This is because an inter-disciplinarian is identifiable by her movement, the willingness to depart from her discipline, to…

Maurizio Cinquegrani on writing ‘Film, Hot War Traces and Cold War Spaces’
by Maurizio Cinquegrani Film, Hot War Traces and Cold War Spaces was released in August by Edinburgh University Press; it’s my second book with the publisher. In the previous volume, Journey to Poland: Documentary Landscapes of the Holocaust, I have…

Q & A with the author of Music in the Horror Films of Val Lewton
by Michael Lee Tell us a bit about your book… Music in the Horror Films of Val Lewton offers interpretive analyses of Val Lewton’s horror films as seen through the lens of the music within them. Lewton, who both produced…

Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha talks Lucrecia Martel
In this interview, Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha, co-editor of ReFocus: The Films of Lucrecia Martel (out now in our series ReFocus: The International Directors Series), talks about this new volume and what led her to research Martel’s work. Can you tell us a little…

Downton Abbey, Britishness and Class
by John White In the second of a short series of extracts from British Cinema and a Divided Nation (EUP, 2022), John White looks at Downton Abbey (Michael Engler, 2019). The quick series of shots presented to the audience at…

Mary Queen of Scots in British Cinema & Society
by John White In the first of a short series of extracts from British Cinema and a Divided Nation (EUP, 2022), John White looks at Mary Queen of Scots (Josie Rourke, 2018). In this film we are presented with a…

Why Focus on Director Robert Altman’s Last Quarter Century?
by Lisa Dombrowski and Justin Wyatt Film director Robert Altman was one of the leading creative forces of the last great period of Hollywood filmmaking known as the New Hollywood or Hollywood Renaissance. Much critical analysis has addressed this early…

Japanese High School Films: My 4 Favourites!
By Peter C. Pugsley In Japanese High School Films: Iconography, Nostalgia and Discipline, I write about how high school-based films capture a steady market in Japanese cinema. From the 100 plus high school films released in just over five years (2014-2020),…

After Portraits, Petite Maman: A New Film by Céline Sciamma
by Emma Wilson Céline Sciamma: Portraits (2021) I suggested a book on Céline Sciamma for the Visionaries series after seeing her first three films, Waterlilies (2007), Tomboy (2011), and Girlhood (2014). I was moved by the sensitivity of her imaging…