Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

What Electricity Has Done to Thought: an excerpt from The Life Intense by Tristan Garcia
What Electricity Has Done to Thought: an excerpt from The Life Intense by Tristan Garcia.

Promises of Monsters
By Donna McCormack, School of Literature and Languages, University of Surrey The Monster Network has been busy doing collective work and is happy to announce the publication of a special issue of the journal Somatechnics on “Promises, Monsters, Methodologies: The…

Challenging Cosmopolitanism
The temptation to look longingly to idealised visions of Islamic cosmopolitanism as the antithesis to the militant communal solidarity associated with contemporary groups, such as the Islamic State (IS), can be quite powerful. Many scholars and popular writers have pointed…

The deployment of the army to Glasgow in 1919
‘There is a lot of mythology about these events…’ (Sir Tom Devine The Times, 3 February 2018) …the deployment of the army to Glasgow in 1919. In November 2017 I needed to distract myself while sitting by my wife’s hospital…

Documentary Landscapes of the Holocaust
Journey to Poland: Documentary Landscapes of the Holocaust is about the journeys undertaken by survivors, members of the postgeneration, and filmmakers to the places where the Jews lived before the war and to the places where they were murdered. This…

Investigating Scotland’s land issues, past, present and future
‘The politics of this country will probably, for the next few years, mainly consist in an assault upon the constitutional position of the landed interest.’ Benjamin Disraeli So said the Conservative politician and Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli in the late…

Class and Feeling in the Films of Jia Zhangke
In 2008, I saw Jia Zhangke’s film Still Life, and it changed my life. I had never seen a film that had affected me so intensely and knew that, after that moment, I needed to research this director and his films further. What impacted me the most about Jia’s films were their emotional and affective qualities, and how they evoked feelings that lingered long after the films had ended.

The spread of Christianity through cross-cultural communication
It is a truism to state that Christianity has spread across the world as a result of cross-cultural communication. Between them, the articles in Studies in World Christianity 24.2 illustrate the variety of form and effectiveness of cross-cultural communication in…

Mapping Christianity in North Africa and West Asia
This region, North Africa and West Asia, is where Christianity began, nearly 2,000 years ago. Many Christian communities today trace their histories back over the entire period. At the same time, there is no region in the world where Christians are more at risk of extinction, as civil wars, persecution and economic distress have resulted in a massive exodus of the Christian population. This volume documents that exodus while it is underway.