Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.
Evolutionary Theory and Its Monstrous Wonders

By Donna McCormack Evolutionary theory is a contentious issue, with even its own scientific veracity being denied. It is a…
Play, Scale and Literature

By Ivan Callus Recent work across literary theory has placed questions of scale in the foreground of critical debate. What…
Highland sheep farming, 1850-1900

In this post, James Hunter reflects on an article he wrote for the very first volume of Northern Scotland published…
Baudelaire in strange places

What has a nineteenth-century French poet got to do with 1960s American electronica? The poet Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) published his…
The Devils Reconsidered

By Christophe Van Eecke Ken Russell is often considered more or less the court jester of British film history, and…
David Hume and Scottish Philosophy
By Gordon Graham Not so very long ago, it was quite widely accepted that Britain’s most significant contribution to the…
The real ‘Northern Powerhouse’? Strengthening Anglo-Scottish collaboration across the Borderlands

By Keith Shaw Tucked away towards the end of the recent document announcing the ‘Devolution Deal’ between the Treasury and…
Paragraph 2016 Essay Prize competition

Submissions are now invited for the Paragraph 2016 Essay Prize competition, in which the prize will be awarded for the…
Invisible Tweets? Ben Jonson and Social Networking

By Kelly Stage In 1605, Ben Jonson and George Chapman found themselves in prison because parts of their play Eastward…