• section of the cover of issue 1.1 of Studies in World Christianity: a blue drawing of a church against a white background

Photograph of Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament

The Woman on Westminster Bridge

A woman walks across a bridge. She is looking at her mobile. She seems to be in a hurry. Close to her, a person lies injured on the pavement. Several people attend to the injured person. The woman is wearing…

OLR 40th Anniversary – Hélène Cixous

  Welcome to March, where we are not only celebrating OLR’s 40th Anniversary, but also Women’s History Month. In honour of these two events, we are sharing the work of Hélène Cixous. An academic, philosopher, literary theorist, playwright and feminist,…

Alfred North Whitehead Photograph from Wellcome Images, CC-by

The Genesis of Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy

Not many people will read Whitehead’s recent book in this generation; not many will read it in any generation. But its influence will radiate through concentric circles of popularization until the common man will think and work in the light…

40 years of Oxford Literary Review

Oxford Literary Review (OLR) founded in 1977 by Ian McLeod, Ann Wordsworth and Robert J. C. Young, is now celebrating its 40th anniversary. To celebrate, in each month of 2017 the Edinburgh University Press blog will highlight an influential article published…

Contemporary Turkey in Conflict

Contemporary Turkey in Conflict

By Tahir Abbas Turkey is a beguiling country. It straddles one of the most important geopolitical fault lines in the world. Since the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire and the founding of the republican era, however, the nation has undergone…

Women and Poverty: A Human Rights Perspective

Meghan Campbell Despite a renewed global commitment to reduce extreme poverty and achieve gender equality, women throughout the world continue to disproportionately live in poverty. While the causes of women’s poverty are complex and inter-locking, the role of patriarchal cultural…