Paragraph 2016 Essay Prize competition

Submissions are now invited for the Paragraph 2016 Essay Prize competition, in which the prize will be awarded for the best article addressing the theme: ‘Mourning’. In line with the journal’s leading role in investigating critical theory across a wide…

Invisible Tweets? Ben Jonson and Social Networking

By Kelly Stage In 1605, Ben Jonson and George Chapman found themselves in prison because parts of their play Eastward Ho (written also with James Marston) had offended King James’s Scottish favourite, Sir James Murray. Jonson and Chapman took to…

Ben Jonson’s Erotic Temporalities

By Amanda Henrichs I’ve always imagined Ben Jonson as the quintessential cranky old man, constantly complaining about the current state of things and longing for a return to the good old days, when everyone was virtuous and poetry was good…

Kinds of Insight

By Kate McLoughlin This article arose from a paper I gave at the conference on the Long Modernist Novel at Birkbeck, University of London, in April 2014, organised by Scott McCracken and Jo Winning, the editors of this volume of…

The Pleasures of Literary Communication

By Roger D. Sell Literary activity can be studied as one among other kinds of human communication. Such an approach strongly endorses the insistence of present-day historicist scholars on the precise contexts, not least the precise political contexts, within which…

CounterText: call for papers

CounterText Call for Papers Special Issue: Explorations in Electronic Literature Edited by Mario Aquilina and Ivan Callus An entire epoch of so-called literature, if not all of it cannot survive a certain technological regime of telecommunications. – Jacques Derrida, The…