Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Highland sheep farming, 1850-1900
In this post, James Hunter reflects on an article he wrote for the very first volume of Northern Scotland published in 1972. You can read James’ article ‘Sheep and Deer: Highland sheep farming, 1850-1900‘ free online. This was my first…

The Lang Road to Scottish History
By Catriona M.M. Macdonald Historians frequently address reputations in their work, indeed they are central to some of the most important debates in historiography. They are typically less inclined, however, to address common assumptions regarding the work and legacy of…

The semantic dimension of Newtonian Power
By Asher Jiang The concept of physical power in its modern forms has been introduced by Sir Isaac Newton in his great work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Although Newton has embedded this concept into a precise mathematical framework, the power…
Introducing The Great Seljuk Empire
The collapse of the Ottoman empire in the wake of the First World War a century ago did not merely redraw the political map of the Middle East in its modern form – itself so hotly contested today by forces…

Descartes in Scotland and pre-Enlightenment Scottish philosophy
By Giovanni Gellera Until recently, the question ‘What was philosophy like in Scotland before the Enlightenment?’ met a standard answer reminiscent of the famous Augustinian warning to those who dared to ask what was there before the beginning of time:…

Spotlight on Scottish Archaeological Journal
Founded in 1969, the Scottish Archaeological Journal publishes original articles which aim to further the study of archaeology in Scotland. The journal, published on behalf of the Glasgow Archaeological Society, features the latest results of archaeological fieldwork, excavation and research.…

Huffing and Puffing but getting there: the ups and downs of historical research
By William Knox Violence is an area much neglected by Scottish historians unlike those working in other countries, such as England, Western Europe and the USA, where its study has become central to our understanding of social relations, in particular class and…

Apropos Written and yet to be Written Histories of Ancient Palestine and Israel
By Michael Nathanson The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, i.e., impasse over land ownership of the former mandatory Palestine, is rooted in and continuously being stoked by competing narratives. The Zionist movement adopted the master narrative of the Hebrew Bible, anchored by the…

Agricultural improvement and India
In the May 2015 issue of the Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, Eric Grant and Alistair Mutch explore the intertwined careers of Kenneth Murchison, surgeon, and Patrick Duff, General of the East India Company’s artillery in Bengal. Both men returned…