He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles Deleuze
Read more: He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles DeleuzeDorothea Olkowski reflects on the work of Gilles Deleuze through a letter she received from him at the inception of Deleuze studies.

Roland Barthes’ Fragments of a Lover’s Discourse: Translating Again, Writing Again

Phenomenology of regular spirit

Plato on how to describe the changing world
by Takeshi Nakamura From time to time throughout his dialogues, Plato complains how difficult it is to capture the transient natural world with inert language (e.g., the Theaetetus and the Cratylus). After all, the world in flux changes as you…

Q&A with Patrick O’Connor
Q. Tell us a bit about your book A. Cormac McCarthy, Philosophy and the Physics of the Damned is really a book about the importance of philosophy for literature. In it, I look at how one writer uses philosophy to…

Shimmer: The Kiss of Life Includes Us, Too
An extract from Shimmer: Flying Fox Exuberance in Worlds of Peril by Deborah Bird Rose Australian anthropologist Deborah Bird Rose’s remarkable final book is a landmark piece of interdisciplinary, multi-species scholarship based on fieldwork with the zoologists, conservationists and Aboriginal…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Monika Kaup on ‘New Ecological Realisms’ (Part 4)
Graham Harman and Monika Kaup Missed Part 1 – 3? Check them out here!Part 1Part 2Part 3 Or read the full conversation here! Graham Harman: Finally we come to the somewhat unorthodox pairing of your fifth chapter: Jean-Luc Marion and…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Monika Kaup on ‘New Ecological Realisms’ (Part 3)
Graham Harman and Monika Kaup Missed Part 1 and 2? Check them out here!Part 1Part 2 Or read the full conversation here. Graham Harman: In Chapter Two your focus shifts toward the Chilean immunologists and autopoiesis theorists Humberto Maturana and…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Monika Kaup on ‘New Ecological Realisms’ (Part 2)
Graham Harman and Monika Kaup Missed Part 1? Check it out here! Or read the full conversation here. Graham Harman: Much of the contemporary discussion of the material turn focuses on a group sometimes called the New Materialist Feminists, some…

A Continental Tour of Philosophy- An abridged excerpt from “A Continental Guide to Philosophy”
by John Douglas Macready The history of philosophy can be thought of as an art gallery filled with paintings by various artists. Each painting is a representation of reality from a particular perspective and makes use of distinct methods and…