• Abel Ferrara, a man with grey hair and dressed in a light grey suit, stands with his arms crossed in front of a red circle.

2015 round-up: Most read in Edinburgh Journals

2015 was a great year for Edinburgh University Press Journals. We published over 750 articles across 39 journals, several of our journals, including the Journal of Scottish Philosophy and Modernist Cultures, increased in frequency and we were delighted to welcome…

Call for Papers: Oxford Literary Review – Overpopulation

Global ‘overpopulation’, considered the central environmental issue in the 1970s, became an almost taboo topic in the twenty-first century, often dismissed as drawing attention  away from  international capitalism as the primary cause of poverty and environmental  destruction and at worst catering to forms…

“Spotlight on” …Edinburgh Law Review

Edinburgh Law Review is a tri-annual published in January, May and September of each year. It is an international forum for the discussion of law and covers contemporary substantive law, legal theory and history. The journal contains high quality, original, refereed…

“Spotlight on” Ben Jonson Journal

The Ben Jonson Journal is a biannual published in May and November of each year. Established in 1993, it is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of Ben Jonson and the culture in which his literary efforts thrived. The…