A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish Parliament
Read more: A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish ParliamentDavid McCrone explores public opinion on the devolved Scottish Parliament over the past 25 years.
Leonardo Da Vinci and Samuel Beckett – implausible bed fellows?
An Italian Renaissance polymath, most known for his notebooks and paintings, Leonardo Da Vinci is still widely considered an enigma.…
Scoring Film: An Interview with Neil Brand
Neil Brand is a well-known composer, prolific British dramatist, writer and pianist, who designed and presented a three part-series for BBC…
Robert Burns, Digital Whistle-Blowing, and the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum
By Robert Crawford For the first time since 1707 (more than half a century before Burns was born), the population…
Scottish Affairs – New to Edinburgh
February 2014 not only sees the launch of our new Journals blog, but we’re also delighted that Scottish Affairs is…
Welcome to the EUP Journals Blog
It’s been a long time coming but we are now publishing 38 journals and by starting this blog, we hope…