Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

How COVID-19 crisis measures reveal the conflation between poverty and adversity
By Morag Treanor Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as stressful events in childhood argued to have devastating consequences on education, employment, health, wealth, family life, parenting and lifespan, as well as leading invariably to ACEs in the next generation…

Covenants and Covenanting
By Neil McIntyre This month, The Scottish Historical Review publishes the first of a series of special issues that tackle key themes in Scottish History. ‘Covenants and Covenanting’ will showcase the latest research on the origins, impact and legacies of…

About William S. Burroughs
By Stanley Gontarski American outlier writer, William S. Burroughs, was a creative force, as a writer in his own right, and as a cultural theorist, particularly his anticipation of what we now regularly call “a society of control” or “a…

Scottish Affairs Special Issue on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Whose interests does an ACEs agenda for Scotland actually serve?
By Ariane Critchley, Emma Davidson, Laura H.V. Wright The guest editors of the November 2020 edition of Scottish Affairs share their thoughts on why Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have galvanized so much attention in Scotland. They ask the question, in…

The Jesuits and the Globalisation of the Renaissance
By Peter Burke The idea that the unintended consequences of human action are often more important – for better and even more often, for worse – than the intended ones is a well-known theme among historians, whether they study politics,…

The Future of the Energy Transition for Middle East Gulf Economies Post Pandemic
By Jamil Hijazi, Jessica Obeid and Michel-Ange Medlej Jamil Hijazi and co-authors (Jessica Obeid and Michael-Ange Medlej) navigate the future of the Energy Transition in the Middle East Gulf Economies Post COVID-19 ahead of their upcoming article in the Global…

Jean-François Lyotard: A Sceptic for Our Times
I first encountered Jean-François Lyotard's work in the mid-1980s, after the publication of the English translation of his book The Postmodern Condition. It was a text that created quite a stir in the English-speaking academic world, drawing a lot of both praise and criticism. I was one of those to be critical, as in the first thing I ever wrote about Lyotard, a journal article for Radical Philosophy, where I argued there was a nihilistic quality to his thought.

The Innes Review Turns 70
By John Reuben Davies Read the editorial introduction from The Innes Review: 70th Anniversary Virtual Collection, which is free to access on our site and contains over 40 free articles spanning 70 years of the The Innes Review‘s history. The…

The myth of the selfless philosopher
By Enrico Galvagni There is a myth that spans the history of western thought: the myth of the selfless philosopher. True philosophers, the myth says, are ethereal creatures who dropped every trace of pride, egoism, and vainglory to devote their…