Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Remembering Sarah Kofman in the 2020s?
By Jacob Bates-Firth Sarah Kofman and the Relief of Philosophy (ed. Bates-Firth and McKeane) is out now as a special issue of Paragraph, 44:1 (March 2021) and concurrently in book form with Edinburgh University Press. Backdrop When John and I began to…

Flawed Crystals: Muriel Spark’s Ways of Seeing
‘How do you do it? I am dazzled’, enthused Evelyn Waugh in a letter to Muriel Spark in 1960. Spark’s latest novel, The Bachelors, was hot off the press, and this, Waugh told her, was ‘the cleverest and most elegant…

Young people and activism
By Niall Nance-Carroll Young people are a coveted demographic in politics, and they are increasingly shaping both the message and the movement of progressives. Far from being the “youth wing” of a larger adult-led activist movement (indeed, one of the…

Q&A with Mark Sandy, author of ‘Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism’
Tell us a bit about Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism Well, my book takes a fresh look at the literature of British Romanticism and its influence on twentieth- and twenty-first-century American literary culture and thought. It reads works of prose and…

Nominal compound semantics – exhaustive studies, elusive results?
By Vesna Antoniova Why do the intricacies of nominal compounds remain hidden even after being considered in a number of different frameworks? We have seen that even after half a century of research, no satisfactory conclusions to the understanding of…

The Classical Tradition in Modern American Fiction
By Tessa Roynon In recent weeks, the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. has been much in the public eye. Whether stormed by President Trump’s supporters on 6th January, or as the “hallowed ground” that formed the backdrop to President Biden’s…

Divine Hiddenness in C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces
By Derek King C. S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces is a brilliant piece of fiction but also a mediation on an old problem called the problem of divine hiddenness. The problem of divine hiddenness refers to a lack in…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part Three
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Read part 2 of the blog series. Maria Edgeworth’s Lucky Orphans As the century moved forward, the belief in the rags-to-riches narratives gradually started to give way to the significance of retaining social hierarchies,…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part Two
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Read part 1 of this blog series. Much Ado about Witchcraft in The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes Often cited as the earliest example of a children’s novel, The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes[i],…