Originality and Artistic Impulse: From a Medieval Scottish Friar to Malevich’s Black Square
Read more: Originality and Artistic Impulse: From a Medieval Scottish Friar to Malevich’s Black SquareIs there any such thing as a new idea? Bryony Coombs discusses similarities in artistic expression, centuries apart.
Afghanistan – Themes and Variations
As it enters its second year of publication, Warwick Ball reflects on the emerging themes and (accidental) article pairings in both the October 2018 and April 2019 issue of Afghanistan, the new journal of the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies.…
A history of American horror film in 10 images
In his new book, The Birth of the American Horror Film, Gary D. Rhodes delves into the archives to focus on 10 key horror genres prominent in American cinema between 1895 and 1915. From ghosts and witches to mad scientists…
John Pollock Picks the Lock of the Mysterious ‘Shakespeare Box’
John Pollock’s new article on the true provenance of ‘Mr Shuckspr’se Box’ begins with an auction, although true to our ‘advanced age’, it is a live webcast auction. Our author bids on ‘A 17TH CENTURY IRON STRONG BOX’ and wins…
An interview with independent filmmaker Kelly Reichardt
In the summer of 2015, Kelly Reichardt agreed to discuss career and production details with E. Dawn Hall and Allison Adams, in an effort to inform ReFocus: The Films of Kelly Reichardt and provide insight into her latest film. Phone…
British Youth Cultures and the Wider World
Pop music and youth culture are known to be among the great British exports of the late twentieth century. Be it teddy boys/girls or The Beatles, mods or the Sex Pistols, football hooligans or the Spice Girls, the seemingly rapid…
Emotion, History and the Arts
Erin Sullivan and Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild are guest editors of a special issue of Cultural History about ‘Emotion, History and the Arts’, published October 2018. Their introduction draws on a wide range of emotionally charged art works from different times and places—including…
Studying sixteenth-century France from inside and outside France
My guest edited special issue of Nottingham French Studies (NFS), explores ‘Text, Knowledge and Wonder in Early Modern France‘, fleshing out new aspects of the sense of wonder that permeates much literature, philosophy, culture, and ritual in the period. As Genevieve…
Glasgow Archaeological Society Celebrates 150 Years of Publishing
Glasgow Archaeological Society has been committed to publishing papers and disseminating information on archaeological findings and discoveries since it was founded in December 1856. The first part of what was to become the first volume of the Transactions of Glasgow…
Psychoanalysis in the Academy – what is the future?
In Psychoanalysis and History, some of the leading contemporary academics working with psychoanalysis across several disciplines have taken time to consider the question – What Is the Future of Psychoanalysis in the Academy? – thus giving a timely survey of the status and possibilities…