What is non-cinema?

By William Brown I was delighted that Film-Philosophy recently published my essay: ‘Non-Cinema: Digital, Ethics, Multitude’.  The essay is a first articulation of what I am terming non-cinema, and which is the focus of a forthcoming monograph that I am…

Nancy in Love

‘It is possible that one day I will no longer love you, and this possibility cannot be taken away from love – it belongs to it. It is against this possibility, but also with it, that the promise is made, the word given.’ – Jean-Luc Nancy

2015 round-up: Most read in Edinburgh Journals

2015 was a great year for Edinburgh University Press Journals. We published over 750 articles across 39 journals, several of our journals, including the Journal of Scottish Philosophy and Modernist Cultures, increased in frequency and we were delighted to welcome…

David Hume and Scottish Philosophy

By Gordon Graham Not so very long ago, it was quite widely accepted that Britain’s most significant contribution to the development of philosophy was ‘empiricism’ and that its great exponents were the Englishman John Locke, the Irishman George Berkeley, and…

Varun Uberoi - author photo

Multiculturalism Isn’t a Dirty Word

David Cameron has been avoiding the m-word. In his recent speech about extremism, the word ‘multicultural’ was noticeable by its omission for two reasons. First, Cameron said that Britain was a ‘successful multiracial and multi-faith democracy’ and a term like…

Politics – An Extract from The Badiou Dictionary

The problem of how philosophy is to approach the word politics is especially difficult, as it is itself a stake of political struggle and thus steeped in equivocity. The question of just who is and who is not considered political, and what objects are part or are not part of political consideration, is itself always intrinsic to politics. Philosophy thus encounters the word politics as inherently equivocal or, in Badiou’s terms, as a ‘split word’.