• Abel Ferrara, a man with grey hair and dressed in a light grey suit, stands with his arms crossed in front of a red circle.

James Joyce and the two McCarthys

by Derek Attridge There are two names in the subtitle of my book Forms of Modern Fiction: Reading the Novel from James Joyce to Tom McCarthy. One of these is less well-known than the other; in fact, for many readers,…

Digital Humanities research in Africa

by Emmanuel Ngué Um The main challenge facing Digital Humanities research in Africa is the race to catch up with a global trend, where digitization is increasingly present at the intersection of knowledge and society. This race is taking place…

In Memory of Thierry Tremblay (1970–2022)

by James Corby and Ivan Callus ‘The whatever singularity is a singularity without quality, but it is a singularity with inclinations, a singularity that tends or aspires to the world. The singularity in its whateverness is a potentiality, but a…

The Persistence of Victorian Middle Class Fictions

by Albert Pionke The US has just emerged from a mid-term election cycle. In the UK, calls for a general election grow ever louder. Politicians, pundits, and pollsters alike cite the discontent of the middle class with, depending upon one’s ideological predilections,…