Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galt
Read more: Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galtby Caroline McCracken-Flesher In Provost Pawkie’s Gudetown readers hear the town clock tick just once. The city fathers gather at […]
EUP 75: Our Publishing in Film Studies
The Politics of ‘Acting’: Why Cast Comedians?
By Neil Archer What makes a performance ‘truthful’? In one of my previous professional lives, as an actor, this question was one that concerned me on an everyday and practical level. But it’s one I’m still dealing with in my…
The War against the BBC, Part Two: Vox Populi or Voice of the Press?
By Julian Petley Note from the editors of Journal of British Cinema and Television: Given the current state of culture war, the Journal of British Cinema and Television is extremely keen to encourage further discussion of the sort of topics covered in this…
Inventing London on Blackfriars Bridge, 1896: Part Two
By Sean Cubitt Catch up with Part One of this blog post. Note from the editors of Journal of British Cinema and Television: Given the current state of culture war, the Journal of British Cinema and Television is extremely keen to encourage further…
Inventing London on Blackfriars Bridge, 1896: Part One
By Sean Cubitt Note from the editors of Journal of British Cinema and Television: Given the current state of culture war, the Journal of British Cinema and Television is extremely keen to encourage further discussion of the sort of topics covered in…
Culture Wars, Talking Pictures and the Telegraph: Part Two
By Julian Petley and Andrew Roberts Catch up with Part One of Culture Wars, Talking Pictures and the Telegraph For Heffer, ‘the lesson of Talking Pictures is clear. It portrays the England millions of us wish we still lived in’.…
Culture Wars, Talking Pictures and the Telegraph: Part One
By Julian Petley and Andrew Roberts Author’s Note: Given the current state of culture war, the Journal of British Cinema and Television is extremely keen to encourage further discussion of the sort of topics covered in this blog post, which…
John Cura: Pioneer of the Television Archive
By Richard Wallace The work of John Cura is a fascinating side-note in the history of British television. Between 1947 and 1968 Cura made a successful business from photographing the BBC and ITV programmes broadcast to his television set and…
The Devils Reconsidered
By Christophe Van Eecke Ken Russell is often considered more or less the court jester of British film history, and his films have not always been taken quite as seriously as they deserve. This holds true even of The Devils…