Abel Ferrara – A New Perspective on a Cult Auteur
Read more: Abel Ferrara – A New Perspective on a Cult Auteurby Florian Zappe Abel Ferrara is one of the most uncompromising and provocative filmmakers of his generation. From his early […]

Young Adults & War
How can literature for young adults and children help to foster lasting positive social change?

Reading the War on Terror in Moroccan Picture Books
By Sara Austin and Ann Wainscott We met at New Faculty Orientation in 2018. Sara was seated across a large round table from me, and during introductions she mentioned that she was a scholar of children’s literature. I immediately mentioned…

Young people and activism
By Niall Nance-Carroll Young people are a coveted demographic in politics, and they are increasingly shaping both the message and the movement of progressives. Far from being the “youth wing” of a larger adult-led activist movement (indeed, one of the…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part Three
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Read part 2 of the blog series. Maria Edgeworth’s Lucky Orphans As the century moved forward, the belief in the rags-to-riches narratives gradually started to give way to the significance of retaining social hierarchies,…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part Two
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Read part 1 of this blog series. Much Ado about Witchcraft in The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes Often cited as the earliest example of a children’s novel, The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes[i],…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part One
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Taking into account their concern about the moralistic upbringing of the children of a book-buying middle class, it should come as no surprise that the ‘irrational’ components of fairy stories were frowned upon by…

Intergenerational Desire in/and Children’s Literature
It is with some trepidation, but also with a great sense of urgency, that we present a modest collection of excursions into the representation of intergenerational desire in children’s literature. For it is a truth universally acknowledged that anyone who…
100 Years Since the Russian Revolution
Looking Back at the Russian Revolution 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which occurred in March and November (Gregorian calendar) in 1917. The pair of revolutions saw the disassembly of the Tsarist autocracy in favour of the…

John Stephens on Editing an International Journal
“Issue 9.1 marks my final issue as Editor of IRCL, and so it is an apt occasion to reflect on some of the challenges that face an international journal. When IRCL was officially launched at the 18th Biennial IRSCL Congress…