• Landscape view looking out across a large body of water. Land is just visible on the horizon, there is a line of trees on the shore, and in the immediate foreground there is a rough stone wall.

Making the Census Count: Edinburgh 1760-1900

By Richard Rodger You might think that with a commitment to Open Data and Open Access from the Scottish Government and Local Councils that you would be able to consult Census records from 150 years ago. You might think that…

Inventing London on Blackfriars Bridge, 1896: Part One

By Sean Cubitt Note from the editors of Journal of British Cinema and Television: Given the current state of culture war, the Journal of British Cinema and Television is extremely keen to encourage further discussion of the sort of topics covered in…

Declaration of Human Fraternity 2019

Christians and Muslims: Friends or Foes?

Read on to explore the details behind writing the first and second edition of the fascinating study looking at the history of the relationship between Christians and Muslims – A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Hugh Goddard. Twenty years ago…

Doing History in the Age of Downton Abbey

Julie Anne Taddeo As the most watched period drama in television history, Downton Abbey has met with popular success but not always critical acclaim. Historians in particular have criticized what they see as the series’ conservative politics and nostalgic view…