New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart Dunmore
Read more: New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart DunmoreStuart Dunmore discusses his motivations for researching new Gaelic speakers, and the incredible places and experiences this led to.

Making the Census Count: Edinburgh 1760-1900
By Richard Rodger You might think that with a commitment to Open Data and Open Access from the Scottish Government and Local Councils that you would be able to consult Census records from 150 years ago. You might think that…

A Brief Discussion of University Art, Design and Media Archives as Catalysts for Creativity and Research
By Louise Chapman In 2012, I uncovered an array of boxes containing 177 items of dress in the School of Fashion and Textiles archives at Birmingham City University (BCU). Found in a store cupboard the assemblage included a large selection…

Inventing London on Blackfriars Bridge, 1896: Part One
By Sean Cubitt Note from the editors of Journal of British Cinema and Television: Given the current state of culture war, the Journal of British Cinema and Television is extremely keen to encourage further discussion of the sort of topics covered in…

Children’s lives disrupted: in French history and today
By Siân Reynolds When we were preparing this special issue of Nottingham French Studies (59: 2) which I have guest-edited, we did not know that by the time it appeared the world would be in the grip of the COVID-19…

Queering Freud Differently: On the new special issue of Psychoanalysis and History
By Andrew DJ Shield, University of Leiden Queer Freud Today At an all-gay dinner last month, a friend – trained biologist, amateur astrologist, and psychoanalytic dilettante – shifted the dinner conversation to his playful diagnosis of the dinner guests’ stages…

Christians and Muslims: Friends or Foes?
Read on to explore the details behind writing the first and second edition of the fascinating study looking at the history of the relationship between Christians and Muslims – A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Hugh Goddard. Twenty years ago…

“There’s a lot of mythology about these events”: unreliable narrators of the Battle of George Square
Last year, near the centenary, Scottish Affairs published my article about the mythology surrounding the so-called ‘Battle of George Square’ on 31 January 1919. This followed another paper published shortly before, summarising the results of my searches in the archives.…

Doing History in the Age of Downton Abbey
Julie Anne Taddeo As the most watched period drama in television history, Downton Abbey has met with popular success but not always critical acclaim. Historians in particular have criticized what they see as the series’ conservative politics and nostalgic view…

Does the British government learn from the history of military interventions?
From Iraq to Libya, Louise Kettles asks whether the UK has learned to learn from its past mistakes in Middle-Eastern military interventions.