• Landscape view looking out across a large body of water. Land is just visible on the horizon, there is a line of trees on the shore, and in the immediate foreground there is a rough stone wall.

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1817-2017

By Robert Morrison An extract from Romanticism, Volume 23.3, October 2017 1817 was a remarkable year for British Romanticism John Keats published his first volume of Poems. Thomas Moore produced Lalla Rookh, Percy Shelley Laon and Cythna, Felicia Hemans Modern…

The National Monument of Scotland

In the November 2014 edition of Architectural Heritage John Gifford explores the history, origin and alternative designs of the National Monument of Scotland. Twelve Doric columns stand on Edinburgh’s Calton Hill, witnesses to ambition, patriotism, love of the arts, respect…