• A large, open hall with rows of curved seating facing a stage. Most of the room is constructed from wood and glass.

Diversity in British Cinema

Diversity in British Film and Television

The controversy over ‘all-white’ 2020 BAFTAs once again shows the importance of understanding that issues of diversity are at the forefront of debates film and television. But it’s not just a question of who is, and is not, in the…

Genre, Authorship and Contemporary Women Filmmakers

Women’s Cinema as Genre Cinema

An extract from the introduction of Genre, Authorship and Contemporary Women Filmmakers By Katarzyna Paszkiewicz   I don’t think I’ve read the words women and film and feminism in the same sentence as much in the last few months since…

Film Philosophy Cover

Film Philosophy and the Body in Cinema

Film-philosophy has seen a resurgence of interest in phenomenology, particularly in its existentialist branch as exemplified by the work of Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This is largely because much has been made of the turn to affect…