New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart Dunmore
Read more: New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart DunmoreStuart Dunmore discusses his motivations for researching new Gaelic speakers, and the incredible places and experiences this led to.

The Persistence of Victorian Middle Class Fictions
by Albert Pionke The US has just emerged from a mid-term election cycle. In the UK, calls for a general election grow ever louder. Politicians, pundits, and pollsters alike cite the discontent of the middle class with, depending upon one’s ideological predilections,…

Q&A with the editors of Reverberations of Revolution: Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850
by Elizabeth Amann & Michael Boyden 1. How did this book come about? Michael: This collected volume came out of a research network on revolutionary cultures involving the universities of Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, and Uppsala. From the beginning, our aim was…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part One
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Taking into account their concern about the moralistic upbringing of the children of a book-buying middle class, it should come as no surprise that the ‘irrational’ components of fairy stories were frowned upon by…

Writing Letters, Writing Lives: Dash & Lily and Born in Exile
By Tom Ue Dash & Lily (2020-), Netflix’s charming new adaptation of Rachel Cohn’s and David Levithan’s popular YA series (2010-), has achieved an enviable 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics lauding its performances, story, and festive mood. The first…

Feeling Flat: London Housing in Times of Change and Crisis (part 2)
Thanksgiving Model Buildings An article published in The Lady’s Newspaper in 1851 makes an explicit connection between creative production – in this case writing – and its effect on architecture. ‘The painfully true pages of Mr. Mayhew’s “London Labour and…

Feeling Flat: London Housing in Times of Change and Crisis
If she were earning a living wage, the amount of time it would take to purchase the flat – only 393 square feet in size – would require 21, 874 hours of labour. In so many hours, Morison estimated, a person could read the bible 309.54 times, gestate 3.26 babies, or complete 2.48 lifetimes worth of pub visits.

Drawing as Discovery: The Clothing of John Ruskin
By Dr Ingrid E. Mida In April 2018, I was invited by artist Sarah Casey, as part of a collaborative project partially funded by the British Council and Arts Council England, to don my dress detective hat and study the…

Remapping Persian Literary History, 1700-1900
Read the blog post to find out more about writing the newly published book Remapping Persian Literary History, 1700-1900 by Kevin L. Schwartz. Remembering Iran, Forgetting the Persianate There was a time – roughly from 1000 to 1850 – when…

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1817-2017
By Robert Morrison An extract from Romanticism, Volume 23.3, October 2017 1817 was a remarkable year for British Romanticism John Keats published his first volume of Poems. Thomas Moore produced Lalla Rookh, Percy Shelley Laon and Cythna, Felicia Hemans Modern…