Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.
An interview with Wyatt Moss-Wellington, author of ‘Narrative Humanism’ and co-editor of ‘ReFocus: The Films of Spike Jonze’
Wyatt Moss-Wellington is Assistant Professor in Media and Communication Studies at The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. He is the…
Making Renaissance Literature Matter Now: Five Practical Strategies for Pursuing Justice in the Classroom

Making Renaissance Literature Matter Now: Wendy Beth Hyman and Hillary Eklund discuss five practical strategies for pursuing justice in the classroom
Philosophical Filmmaking is Alive and Well in Russia: Three Russia-Based Directors with Roots in Philosophy

Alyssa DeBlasio The Russian novel has long been synonymous with philosophical literature. These are the unwieldy and existentially thick novels…
Ovid and Adaptation in Early Modern English Theatre

Lisa Starks and the contributors discuss their interest in Ovid and Adaptation in Early Modern English Theatre.
“One Day More”: Les Misérables and the Hong Kong Protests
“One Day More”: Les Misérables and the Hong Kong Protests
Tom Ue discusses the relation between Les Misérables and the Hong Kong Protests
Cognitive disability and its psychoanalytic discontents

The idea of the death-wish has haunted the history of psychoanalysis in its encounters with cognitive disability. But who is…
Scottish Jewish History – From Provincial to Transnational

Hannah Holtschneider introduces her new book focussing on the life of Rabbi Dr Salis Daiches and his place in Scottish Jewish History.
An interview with Michelle Devereaux, author of ‘The Stillness of Solitude: Romanticism and Contemporary American Independent Film’

The Stillness of Solitude: Romanticism and Contemporary American Independent Film is available now in the Traditions in American Cinema series.…
Imagining with Film

By Sarah Cooper I revisited my local Odeon cinema in London recently, just prior to receiving the advance copies of…