• black and white picture of a chimney stack and a bell tower

Event Catch-up: Etienne Balibar in Conversation

We were delighted to host philosopher Etienne Balibar in a fascinating online conversation about his book, Spinoza: The Transindividual. Published in our Incitements series, it is one of the most important books published on Spinoza in the last 30 years.…

Debating Our Gàidhealtachd Futures

By Michael Rosie In May 2021 Scottish Affairs gave over issue 30 (2) to a discussion on the position and prospects for Gaelic language and culture in Scotland. Edited by James Oliver (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) and Iain MacKinnon (Coventry University) the special issue addressed…

A man is cycling through a field

What is a Sporting Body? (Part 2)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Have you read Part 1? If not, get it here! The first issue consists of nine papers, the first by David Howe and Carla Silva, draws upon posthumanism to trouble the implicit and seemingly…

A man surfing on a wave

What is a Sporting Body? (Part 1)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Sport, it seems, is everywhere. It predominates our mediascapes, commands sizeable outlays of public capital, populates our social media channels, and drapes itself upon our logo-adorning corpuses. It has, in many ways, become the…