• Abel Ferrara, a man with grey hair and dressed in a light grey suit, stands with his arms crossed in front of a red circle.

Free and Open Access Content Guide

Did you know that we offer a wide range of books and journals content free to access online? For journals, this includes featured articles from our latest journal issues, some whole back issues and our fully Open Access journal Film-Philosophy.…

Free EUP content this month: September 2019

Read on to find out about the latest research content you can access and read for free this month, from journal articles, to free sample chapters and open access books spanning across a range of our core subject areas. Film,…

Nineteenth-Century Local Governance in Ottoman Bulgaria

Ninteenth-Century Local Governance in Ottoman Bulgaria

An account of how bureaucratic procedures created the space for political conflict and slander in nineteenth-century Ottoman Bulgaria and what can we learn from studying them. Why would a district head administrator arrest mules, or someone slander a governor with…