Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Five Interesting Neighbours of Shakespeare in the 1590s
by Geoffrey Marsh Who were the most interesting ‘neighbours’ of that Living with Shakespeare explores? I tried to follow up on all of the hundred or so families that made up the parish of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate in the 1590s.…

Shakespeare in the North: Nation, Race and Haircuts
by Adam Hansen I got a post-‘lockdown #3’ haircut in my Tyneside town recently, to my relief, and everyone else’s. (You know things are getting desperate when 90% of what anyone sees onscreen in a Zoom call is not your…

Living with Shakespeare – A Journey in Nine Acts
by Geoffrey Marsh Given that there is little information about Shakespeare’s life, people ask what made me think there was enough to write another book. The short answer is I didn’t. While I would like to claim that Living with…

Translation and Literature Reaches Thirty: A Little History
By Stuart Gillespie I was one of the two founding editors of this journal in 1992. Anyone involved with a publication for this long will have travelled far, and when I look back over the thirty-year lifespan of Translation and…

Burns Chronicle: The Oldest Scottish Literature Journal in the World?
By the Editors & Reviews Editor, the Burns Chronicle Almost 130 years ago, in 1892, enthusiasts started publishing the Burns Chronicle and the journal has continued ever since, conveying articles of interest and news among Burns Clubs and admirers of…

Four Irish Persephones
By Virginie Trachsler The young Persephone is gathering flowers in a meadow when her uncle Hades, god of the underworld, rises through a crack in the earth and abducts her on his golden chariot. Her mother Ceres wanders the earth…

Q&A with Mark Sandy, author of ‘Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism’
Tell us a bit about Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism Well, my book takes a fresh look at the literature of British Romanticism and its influence on twentieth- and twenty-first-century American literary culture and thought. It reads works of prose and…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part Three
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Read part 2 of the blog series. Maria Edgeworth’s Lucky Orphans As the century moved forward, the belief in the rags-to-riches narratives gradually started to give way to the significance of retaining social hierarchies,…

The Appeal of the Fantastic and the Improbable in Late Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature: Part Two
By Maryam Khorasani and Hossein Nazari Read part 1 of this blog series. Much Ado about Witchcraft in The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes Often cited as the earliest example of a children’s novel, The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes[i],…