Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

War and Christmas
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! [Merry Christmas!] is a picturebook written by two Latvian refugees while displaced during the Second World War. The book, with its vibrant pictures and personal representation of the exile experience challenges existing children’s narratives of Christmas, war and…

From the Archives – Translation of Children’s Literature in the Soviet Union: How Pinocchio Got a Golden Key
As well as providing entertainment and a tool for developing children’s reading skills, children’s literature is also a powerful instrument for conveying world knowledge, shaping identities, values, cultural expectations and accepted behaviour. In our featured article this week, Natalia Kaloh…

From the Archives – Persius’ Prologue and Early Modern English Satire
When compared to Juvenal or Horace (the two most prominent figures of Roman satire in sixteenth and seventeenth century England), Persius’ impact on early modern satire has usually been considered slight. In the article, Persius’ Prologue and Early Modern English…

Spotlight on….Translation and Literature
Founded in 1992, Translation and Literature is a tri-annual which is published in March, July and November of each year. It is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal focusing on English Literature in its foreign relations. Translation and Literature publishes critical studies and…

From the archives – What is comparative literature?
Certain works of literature call especially clearly for a comparative approach, through reference to other works or through establishing comparative structures such as parallel plots. Collectively, these works can be denoted by the noun phrase “comparative literature”. In our featured…
From the Archives – Irish University Review – ‘Albert Nobbs’, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Quare Irish Female Erotohistories
In the May 2013 issue of the Irish University Review, “Queering the Issue”, there were a number of articles on gender, identity and Queer Theory as related to Irish culture. Our featured article this week, ‘Albert Nobbs’, Ladies and Gentlemen,…

“Spotlight on” Ben Jonson Journal
The Ben Jonson Journal is a biannual published in May and November of each year. Established in 1993, it is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of Ben Jonson and the culture in which his literary efforts thrived. The…

War Damage: Four Poets of the First World War
“what are the implications of [war damage] for our understanding of literary works which themselves engage with the theme of the damage inflicted by war?” Richard Price answers this as he considers how poets Guillaume Apollinaire, Wilfred Owen, Edward Thomas…

The Political and/or Politics
By Jean-Luc Nancy “As an opening, a quick overview: if our politics [la politique] is no longer simply and strictly that of sovereign states, then it is no longer ‘politics’ as we have known it for a very long time…