Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.
Review of Stephan E. C. Wendehorst’s book British Jewry, Zionism and the Jewish State, 1936–1956
The history of twentieth century British-Jews, Stephan E. C. Wenderhorst’s book shows, offers valuable insights to the understanding of British history. In his extended review of the book, Arie Dubnov examines the way in which Wenderhost’s book, which he characterizes…
Gender and Family in the History of Christian Missions
The April 2015 issue of Studies in World Christianity is largely based on a handful of the many papers presented at the 24th meeting of the Yale–Edinburgh Group on the history of missions and world Christianity, held at New College,…

A watercolour of a stranded sperm whale from the late seventeenth century
In their article from the Archives of natural history, Klaus Barthelemess and Ingvar Svanberg discuss a painting from a manuscript album, known as Kungsboken. This contains various documents of military relevance assembled during the rule of the Swedish kings Charles…

The National Monument of Scotland
In the November 2014 edition of Architectural Heritage John Gifford explores the history, origin and alternative designs of the National Monument of Scotland. Twelve Doric columns stand on Edinburgh’s Calton Hill, witnesses to ambition, patriotism, love of the arts, respect…

Guest Blog Post – ‘Centralisation has its draw backs as well as its advantages’.
The Surrounding Burghs’ Resistance to Glasgow’s Municipal Expansion, c. 1869–1912 By the mid-nineteenth century Scotland’s industrial revolution had resulted in exponential population growth in established towns and cities, as well as the transformation of erstwhile villages into de facto towns.…

The Architecture and Impact of the School Boards in Glasgow
The rapid programme of school building undertaken across Glasgow by the School Boards (1873–1919) left the city with a rich legacy of architecture designed by the top architects of the day. This was in contrast to most other UK cities…

The Red Menace
The article “British Conservatives, the Red Menace and Antiforeign Agitation in China, 1924–1927” in our journal Cultural History looks at how British conservatives used the events in China as proof of the Red Menace in order to reinforce demands about…

From the Archives – Persius’ Prologue and Early Modern English Satire
When compared to Juvenal or Horace (the two most prominent figures of Roman satire in sixteenth and seventeenth century England), Persius’ impact on early modern satire has usually been considered slight. In the article, Persius’ Prologue and Early Modern English…
![‘Spanish Entree Performed by Mr Desnoyer’, Anthony L’Abbe, A New Collection of Dances [London, c.1725], plate 74, appearing in MONSIEUR DESNOYER, PART 1: 1721–1733, DOI: drs.2013.005969](https://euppublishingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/spanish-dance.jpg)
Monsieur Desnoyer – Mapping Choreography. 18C Dance Design
Below is a beautiful illustration of ‘Spanish Entree Performed by Mr Desnoyer and choreographed by Anthony L’Abbe’. Full of jumps, turns and entrechats, a virtuoso vocabulary runs throughout the solo. Appearing in the article, “The Celebrated Monsieur Desnoyer, Part 1:…