• Looking down a round tunnel with strip lights and a small doorway at the far end.

Mawlawi complex, tomb of Rumi, Konya, Turkey, photo John Renard

Rumi – A Life in Pictures

In this interview, John Renard, author of Rumi: A Life in Pictures (out now from the Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art series), discusses his new book, which studies illustrated 16th-century Ottoman manuscripts of a major hagiography of Rumi and his…

What embroidery can tell us about sustainable fashion

By Marta Kargól Some years ago, I discovered an extraordinary collection of embroidery samples preserved in The Museum Rotterdam. The collection consists of more than 250 embroidery samples, patterns and fashion drawings. These objects bear witness to the great yet…

The Politics of ‘Acting’: Why Cast Comedians?

By Neil Archer What makes a performance ‘truthful’? In one of my previous professional lives, as an actor, this question was one that concerned me on an everyday and practical level. But it’s one I’m still dealing with in my…

Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies Turns 20

By Professor Tayseer Abu Odeh Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies is an international refereed journal presenting a global platform and space for both critical…

Decentering France, Recentering Brittany

By Heather Williams and David Evans On 8 April 2021, a new law was passed in France to allow teaching in state schools to take place by immersion in the various regional languages of the country. Proposed by Paul Molac,…

Transcendent God, Rational World: A Māturīdī Theology

by Ramon Harvey Ramon Harvey introduces his approach to Islamic theology in his new book Transcendent God, Rational World: A Māturīdī Theology. Thinking today has become dizzying. Attention spans are diminished. No sooner does someone have an idea, but it…