Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faith
Read more: Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faithNeil Bruce on the inspiration behind his new featured article in The Innes Review.
The Place of Breath in Cinema: 10 Years On
Dr Davina Quinlivan The interdisciplinarian is best equipped to walk inside (and alongside) the lands of breathlessness, translating across border-lands wherever possible as she moves. This is because an inter-disciplinarian is identifiable by her movement, the willingness to depart from her discipline, to…
Maurizio Cinquegrani on writing ‘Film, Hot War Traces and Cold War Spaces’
by Maurizio Cinquegrani Film, Hot War Traces and Cold War Spaces was released in August by Edinburgh University Press; it’s my second book with the publisher. In the previous volume, Journey to Poland: Documentary Landscapes of the Holocaust, I have…
The Archaeology of Southwest Afghanistan: The Book that Took 50 Years to Write
by Mitchell Allen Bill outlined his vision for our book almost half a century ago as we sat at the foldup dinner table in a domed room of the compound of Hajji Nafaz Khan, ruler of the village Khwaja ‘Ali…
Heritage and Identity: Debunking 5 myths about Middle Eastern Christians
By Elizabeth Marteijn Recent tragedies in the Middle East brought more attention to Christians living in the region. Events such as a series of popular uprisings (‘Arab Spring’) and humanitarian disasters in countries such as Syria and Iraq, have made…
Literary Representations of the Palestine/Israel Conflict After the Second Intifada: Q&A with Ned Curthoys and Isabelle Hesse
In this interview, Ned Curthoys and Isabelle Hesse, editors of Literary Representations of the Palestine/Israel Conflict After the Second Intifada, discuss their new book. Tell us a bit about your book. Our edited collection Literary Representations of the Palestine/Israel Conflict…
5 places where modernism survived
“Is Such A Life Worthy of the Name?”: Christopher Douglas on the Adaptation of George Gissing’s The Odd Women (Part 2)
by Tom Ue Continued from Part 1 Your integration of The Taming of the Shrew when describing Rhoda and Everard is so clever, but have you thought about reading—as Gissing does—Widdowson’s and Monica’s story in terms of Othello? Yes, I…
“Is Such A Life Worthy of the Name?”: Christopher Douglas on the Adaptation of George Gissing’s The Odd Women (Part 1)
by Tom Ue George Gissing’s novel The Odd Women (1893) opens, in 1872, with Dr Madden declaring his intention to insure his life for a thousand pounds. Things are looking up for the family. “[P]rofessional prospects,” he assures his eldest…
Researching the History of British Film Finance
by James Chapman Big research projects take a while to bear fruit. In the case of The Money Behind the Screen, it was the best part of nine years. The book’s origins extend back to the summer of 2013, when…