New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart Dunmore
Read more: New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart DunmoreStuart Dunmore discusses his motivations for researching new Gaelic speakers, and the incredible places and experiences this led to.

Alienation Reconsidered: Fischbach on Marx and Spinoza
How can reading Spinoza help us to understand Marx's concept of alienation under capitalism?

Event Catch-up: Etienne Balibar in Conversation
We were delighted to host philosopher Etienne Balibar in a fascinating online conversation about his book, Spinoza: The Transindividual. Published in our Incitements series, it is one of the most important books published on Spinoza in the last 30 years.…

Spinoza and democracy in peril
By Dan Taylor In October 2020, in the days leading up to the US Presidential Election, over 130 leading historians of fascism signed an open letter. They warned that democracy today is deeply imperilled. It is either ‘withering or in…

The world of Spinoza’s Theological–Political Treatise
By Dan Taylor Baruch Spinoza’s Theological–Political Treatise, published anonymously in 1670, quickly turned Europe upside-down. Dismissed by one contemporary as a book ‘forged in hell by the Devil himself’, it argued that for societies to endure conflict and flourish, they…

5 Things You Never Knew About Spinoza
Spinoza: a renegade thinker whose life was far from boring. From stab wounds to spiders, how many of these strange facts did you know about Spinoza?

Rediscovering the Wonder of Philosophy
Wonder is largely absent as a topic of concern to contemporary philosophers. Yet ancient philosophers saw it as the source of what was distinctive in their way of thinking. Plato and Aristotle thought that it was the stirrings of wonder…

From the Archives – The Creation of the Concept through the Interaction of Philosophy with Science and Art
At the beginning of the book What Is Philosophy? written by Gilles Deleuze in collaboration with Felix Guattari, the authors assert that “the time has come for us to ask what philosophy is”. They explicitly dismiss any hierarchy of the…