• Looking down a round tunnel with strip lights and a small doorway at the far end.

Baudelaire in strange places

What has a nineteenth-century French poet got to do with 1960s American electronica? The poet Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) published his controversial verse poetry collection Les Fleurs du mal in 1857, followed by his innovative prose poem works. His poetry has…

Paragraph 2016 Essay Prize competition

Submissions are now invited for the Paragraph 2016 Essay Prize competition, in which the prize will be awarded for the best article addressing the theme: ‘Mourning’. In line with the journal’s leading role in investigating critical theory across a wide…

Ben Jonson’s Erotic Temporalities

By Amanda Henrichs I’ve always imagined Ben Jonson as the quintessential cranky old man, constantly complaining about the current state of things and longing for a return to the good old days, when everyone was virtuous and poetry was good…

CounterText: call for papers

CounterText Call for Papers Special Issue: Explorations in Electronic Literature Edited by Mario Aquilina and Ivan Callus An entire epoch of so-called literature, if not all of it cannot survive a certain technological regime of telecommunications. – Jacques Derrida, The…

Event of Style in Shakespeare’s Sonnets

The concept of the ‘event’ has accumulated around it a somewhat varied stream of interventions in contemporary philosophy and literary theory. In The Event of Style in Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) I tried to think of the event in relation…