A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish Parliament
Read more: A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish ParliamentDavid McCrone explores public opinion on the devolved Scottish Parliament over the past 25 years.

Five things you (probably) didn’t know about crossroads

Theologies of Reading
By Laura McCormick Kilbride, Ruth Jackson Ravenscroft, and Simone Kotva Is reading a theological activity? This is a question which only invites further questions. How a person responds to it will reveal as much about their presuppositions and their training…

The Library of Comfort
by Jürgen Pieters The painting on my new book’s cover was made by the Viennese artist Friedrich Frotzel (1898-1971). Its title – ‘The Old Bookcase’ – makes it even more appropriate. The library of comfort, as I make clear in…

Translation and Literature Reaches Thirty: A Little History
By Stuart Gillespie I was one of the two founding editors of this journal in 1992. Anyone involved with a publication for this long will have travelled far, and when I look back over the thirty-year lifespan of Translation and…

Burns Chronicle: The Oldest Scottish Literature Journal in the World?
By the Editors & Reviews Editor, the Burns Chronicle Almost 130 years ago, in 1892, enthusiasts started publishing the Burns Chronicle and the journal has continued ever since, conveying articles of interest and news among Burns Clubs and admirers of…

Flawed Crystals: Muriel Spark’s Ways of Seeing
‘How do you do it? I am dazzled’, enthused Evelyn Waugh in a letter to Muriel Spark in 1960. Spark’s latest novel, The Bachelors, was hot off the press, and this, Waugh told her, was ‘the cleverest and most elegant…

Q&A with Mark Sandy, author of ‘Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism’
Tell us a bit about Transatlantic Transformations of Romanticism Well, my book takes a fresh look at the literature of British Romanticism and its influence on twentieth- and twenty-first-century American literary culture and thought. It reads works of prose and…

Divine Hiddenness in C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces
By Derek King C. S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces is a brilliant piece of fiction but also a mediation on an old problem called the problem of divine hiddenness. The problem of divine hiddenness refers to a lack in…

Normal People and the strangeness of other people
Towards the end of Sally Rooney’s acclaimed novel Normal People, the two main characters, Connell and Marianne, talk sleepily one morning about whether it’s possible ever really to know another person. ‘I guess everyone is a mystery in a way’,…