• Photograph of a handwritten letter with a pen lying across it

Viking Law and Order

Viking Law and Order

My new book, Viking Law and Order, paints a rather different picture of Viking Age society from the one we are used to. We often hear discussions of violent raids and systematic pillaging by warriors arriving in long ships. It…

Guest Blog – Organised Crime In Scotland

Organised crime in Scotland has been characterised (one could say sensationalised) as a blight and a cancer. Despite the best efforts of the Scottish Serious Organised Crime Group Mapping Project, pinning down the extent, cost and nature of organised crime…

“Spotlight on” …Edinburgh Law Review

Edinburgh Law Review is a tri-annual published in January, May and September of each year. It is an international forum for the discussion of law and covers contemporary substantive law, legal theory and history. The journal contains high quality, original, refereed…

Whose Central Bank is it Anyway?

Division of UK assets and liabilities between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK (“rUK”) following a YES vote in the September 18th referendum continues to provoke heated discussion with just months to the big event. Rod MacLeod…