Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.
An Overview of the Media Franchise – From Jaws to the Avengers

By James Fleury, Bryan Hikari Hartzheim and Stephen Mamber This year marks a significant turning point for a number of…
The continuing importance of Chile’s Cold War history

Earlier this year, the United States government declassified more than 40,000 documents showing the American intelligence community’s reporting on the…
Screening Youth: Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema

The initial impulse for our book, Screening Youth, originated from the observation that, while the topic of youth has informed…
Film Stardom and Film-Philosophy

By Lucy Bolton This special issue of Film-Philosophy on film stardom is designed to do two things: to demonstrate the…
Why do we call Middle Eastern dance “belly dance”?

English speakers use the term “belly dance” to describe solo, improvised dances from the Middle East and North Africa that…
Creative Involution – A Conversation

Professor S. E. Gontarski discusses his book Creative Involution and the series it is published in, Other Becketts, with Jacek Gutorow.
The Past as Prologue on Presidential Privilege

As the Mueller investigation comes to a close, Kevin M. Baron looks to the history of the Freedom of Information Act and finds that the battle between Congress and the White House is nothing new.
22 Things You Didn’t Know About Elizabeth Bishop

Celebrating the publication of The Edinburgh Companion to Elizabeth Bishop, editor Jonathan Ellis lists 22 things you didn't know about Bishop.
The Art of Kharita Dispatching in the Late 19th Century Afghanistan

Kharita dispatching On 2 Ramadan 1316 AH/ 15 January 1899, Amir Abdul Rahman Khan of Afghanistan (r. 1880–1901), sent an…