Freedom and the Sea
Read more: Freedom and the SeaWhat is the point of the connection between sea power and liberty?
An interview with Taef El-Azhari, author of ‘Queens, Eunuchs and Concubines in Islamic History, 661–1257’

Tell us a bit about your book Queens, Eunuchs and Concubines in Islamic History, 661–1257 is the first comprehensive study…
Wordsworth’s Reading of George Berkeley

by Chris Townsend The Irish philosopher George Berkeley was not a contemporary of William Wordsworth — he died in 1753,…
When in Doubt, Seduce: screenwriter Allie Hagan talks about the fascinating relationship between Elaine May and Mike Nichols

By Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Dean Brandum In late 2017, the annual “Black List” was released, a high-profile list of the…
Studies in World Christianity Celebrates 25 Years

by Emma Wild-Wood With the publication of Volume 25, the journal Studies in World Christianity completes twenty-five years of existence.…
Barton Palmer interviews Charlie Michael about his latest book ‘French Blockbusters’

Barton Palmer, co-series editor of Traditions in World Cinema and Calhoun Lemon Professor of Literature at Clemson University, interviews Charlie…
A day in the life of… a Managing Desk Editor

An interview with James Dale (our eagle-eyed desk editor with a penchant for travel) How long have you worked at…
Werewolves and Wildness: The Open Graves, Open Minds special issue of Gothic Studies

The first issue of Gothic Studies published by EUP is also the first ever issue devoted to werewolves. In the…
Writing about State Violence: Commemoration & Collaboration

Michael Demson discusses the essays contributed to a new edited collection on Peterloo.
Finding a Language of My Own – Maya Issam Kesrouany on the Making of Modern Egyptian Literature

Much like the translators in my book (Prophetic Translation: The Making of Modern Egyptian Literature), I have also found myself…