Freedom and the Sea
Read more: Freedom and the SeaWhat is the point of the connection between sea power and liberty?
Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha talks Lucrecia Martel

In this interview, Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha, co-editor of ReFocus: The Films of Lucrecia Martel (out now in our series ReFocus: The International Directors…
He Who Got Slapped

by Alice Maurice It has been a long time since Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. It’s been…
Anniversary of the African Union: AJICL Virtual Issue

By Prof. Hajer GUELDICH Prof Hajer GUELDICH introduces our special African Journal of International and Comparative Law Virtual issue on…
When Pashto Became Divine

by William E. B. Sherman O you mangled souls: fear the sigh of the dervish.It’s a sigh exhaled by passioned…
Downton Abbey, Britishness and Class

by John White In the second of a short series of extracts from British Cinema and a Divided Nation (EUP,…
100 Years of The Scottish Historical Review

The Scottish Historical Review (SHR) is the premier journal in the field of Scottish historical studies, covering all periods of Scottish history…
Stands Scottish Literature Where It Did? Revisiting Devolution

It’s been fifteen years since the last fat volume of essays on contemporary Scottish writing. Only a blink of historical time, but it’s been quite an eventful period. When the chapters of Berthold Schoene’s brilliant Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature were being written, both the country and its debates looked rather different.
Event Catch-up: Etienne Balibar in Conversation

We were delighted to host philosopher Etienne Balibar in a fascinating online conversation about his book, Spinoza: The Transindividual. Published…
Calling All Dissenters, Calling All ‘Woke’

by Stuart Sim The right to express political dissent is supposedly integral to democracy, but it is coming increasingly under…