Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faith
Read more: Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faithNeil Bruce on the inspiration behind his new featured article in The Innes Review.
OLR 40th Anniversary – Bill Readings
At just the age of 34, Bill Readings sadly died in a plane crash. He left behind a legacy of critical thinking and debate and was well renowned for being an outstanding thinker and a rigorous yet caring mentor. To…
OLR 40th Anniversary – Jacques Derrida
Continuing our celebrations of OLR’s 40th Anniversary and its widespread impact, this month we are highlighting Jacques Derrida’s ‘Let us not Forget—Psychoanalysis’. Initially presented orally as the introduction to René Major’s ‘Reason from the Unconscious’ on 16th December 1988…
Judging a book by its cover: designing ‘The World of Image in Islamic Philosophy’
Can the contents of an academic book be expressed by means other than words? In centuries past, it was common for a book to have a lavishly illustrated cover which, through signs and symbols, informed the prospective reader what the…
OLR 40th Anniversary – Gilles Deleuze
Last month we celebrated the writing of Hélène Cixous, both as part of Women’s History Month and of OLR’s 40th Anniversary. This month, we are sticking with the ever-wonderful Cixous as we delve into Gilles Deleuze’s article, ‘Hélène Cixous…
OLR 40th Anniversary – Hélène Cixous
Welcome to March, where we are not only celebrating OLR’s 40th Anniversary, but also Women’s History Month. In honour of these two events, we are sharing the work of Hélène Cixous. An academic, philosopher, literary theorist, playwright and feminist,…
OLR 40th Anniversary – Jean-François Lyotard
Welcome to February, where once again we are delving into the work of Jean-François Lyotard. A thinker and a critic, Lyotard was interested in the relationship between image and text, so it comes as no surprise that he examined…
The Genesis of Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy
Not many people will read Whitehead’s recent book in this generation; not many will read it in any generation. But its influence will radiate through concentric circles of popularization until the common man will think and work in the light…
40 years of Oxford Literary Review
Oxford Literary Review (OLR) founded in 1977 by Ian McLeod, Ann Wordsworth and Robert J. C. Young, is now celebrating its 40th anniversary. To celebrate, in each month of 2017 the Edinburgh University Press blog will highlight an influential article published…