Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Understanding Stoicism with Deleuze: Laughter and Perversion
by Ryan J. Johnson Stoicism seems to be everywhere these days – bestseller lists, email blasts, social media posts, corporate training sessions. Stoicism seems just another self-help trend. But I think they all get it wrong. Stoicism is strange, very…

From Gelopolitics to Geopolitics: The Case of Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Patrick T. Giamario Just over three years ago, Volodymyr Zelenskyy wasn’t yet president of Ukraine; he only played one on TV. In Servant of the People Zelenskyy portrayed Vasyl Holoborodko, a high school history teacher who unexpectedly wins the presidency…

Shimmer: The Kiss of Life Includes Us, Too
An extract from Shimmer: Flying Fox Exuberance in Worlds of Peril by Deborah Bird Rose Australian anthropologist Deborah Bird Rose’s remarkable final book is a landmark piece of interdisciplinary, multi-species scholarship based on fieldwork with the zoologists, conservationists and Aboriginal…

Calvin and Hobbes: Reformed Protestants, Natural Law and Secularisation
by Simon P. Kennedy Back in 1532, the French Protestant reformer, John Calvin, wrote a major commentary on Seneca’s De clementia. Buried in this work is an important statement: “Man is a social animal.” Calvin believed that humans were naturally…

7 Principles of Space Warfare
by Bleddyn E. Bowen To mark the release of War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics in paperback, this blog post is an edited extract of the book, summarising the seven propositions of spacepower theory from the book to guide critical…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Monika Kaup on ‘New Ecological Realisms’ (Part 4)
Graham Harman and Monika Kaup Missed Part 1 – 3? Check them out here!Part 1Part 2Part 3 Or read the full conversation here! Graham Harman: Finally we come to the somewhat unorthodox pairing of your fifth chapter: Jean-Luc Marion and…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Monika Kaup on ‘New Ecological Realisms’ (Part 3)
Graham Harman and Monika Kaup Missed Part 1 and 2? Check them out here!Part 1Part 2 Or read the full conversation here. Graham Harman: In Chapter Two your focus shifts toward the Chilean immunologists and autopoiesis theorists Humberto Maturana and…

New journal launch: Journal of Social and Political Philosophy
By Paul Patton, editor of Journal of Social and Political Philosophy Journal of Social and Political Philosophy (JSPP) is an exciting new venture in collaboration with the School of Philosophy at Wuhan University, one of the leading universities in China.…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Monika Kaup on ‘New Ecological Realisms’ (Part 2)
Graham Harman and Monika Kaup Missed Part 1? Check it out here! Or read the full conversation here. Graham Harman: Much of the contemporary discussion of the material turn focuses on a group sometimes called the New Materialist Feminists, some…