• section of the cover of issue 1.1 of Studies in World Christianity: a blue drawing of a church against a white background

Film Philosophy Cover

Film Philosophy and the Body in Cinema

Film-philosophy has seen a resurgence of interest in phenomenology, particularly in its existentialist branch as exemplified by the work of Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This is largely because much has been made of the turn to affect…

Black Lives Matter by Gerry Lauzon (CC BY 2.0)

Waking up from horror: shame and fugitive movements

‘A future politics is given there so powerfully that it’s present as a trace even in certain reactions that, in the very force and determination of reaction, replicate horror’s preconditions…’ Fred Moten1 By foregrounding the experiences of slavery, a black…

Palestine landscape

‘I Am My Language’

In May 2017, the Israeli Knesset passed the nation-state bill in its first round. This bill emphasizes Israel being Jewish and democratic. A casualty of this bill is the Arabic language. Arabic has been an official language in a law…

OLR 40th Anniversary – Jacques Derrida

  Continuing our celebrations of OLR’s 40th Anniversary and its widespread impact, this month we are highlighting Jacques Derrida’s ‘Let us not Forget—Psychoanalysis’. Initially presented orally as the introduction to René Major’s ‘Reason from the Unconscious’ on 16th December 1988…

Trans Temporalities

The guest editors of the Somatechnics Special Issue, ‘Trans Temporalities‘, draw on their inspirations for the issue theme, as well as highlighting experiences of gender nonnormative subjects and the significance of time, discourse and materiality in understanding the [complicated] lives…

OLR 40th Anniversary – Gilles Deleuze

  Last month we celebrated the writing of Hélène Cixous, both as part of Women’s History Month and of OLR’s 40th Anniversary. This month, we are sticking with the ever-wonderful Cixous as we delve into Gilles Deleuze’s article, ‘Hélène Cixous…