Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Why Michel Serres? A Personal Reflection – part 1
Read this captivating reflection of Chris Watkin on why he chose to write on Michel Serres in his recently published Michel Serres: Figures of Thought. I woke this morning to the news that Michel Serres, philosopher, mountaineer, broadcaster, grandfather, historian…

Free and Open Access Content Guide
Did you know that we offer a wide range of books and journals content free to access online? For journals, this includes featured articles from our latest journal issues, some whole back issues and our fully Open Access journal Film-Philosophy.…

Stoic advice on the coronavirus crisis
By Christopher Gill Many of the themes regularly used for life-guidance based on Stoic philosophy can help with responding to the current coronavirus crisis; here are a few suggestions. Drawing a clear distinction between what we can and cannot control,…

The Radical Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard
Explore the ideas behind writing the newly published book The Radical Philosophy of Søren Kierkegard by Saitya Brata Das. It is difficult to read Kierkegaard, not to speak of writing about him. The difficulty of reading Kierkegaard and writing about…

The wisdom of greed?
By Nicholas Baima Greed is clearly unjust, but is it foolish? In Book 1 of Plato’s Republic, Thrasymachus defends the value of injustice by arguing that it is in one’s self-interest to be greedy. Justice, he argues, is nothing more…

An extract from Lucretius II by Thomas Nail
Take a peek at the book extract from the recently published Lucretius II: An Ethics of Motion by Thomas Nail. How can the fear of death lead us to unethical action? In his didactic poem De Rerum Natura, Lucretius tell…

Esprit de Corps and the Right (Not) To Belong
I have always liked in French the word esprit, and this is not very surprising for a philosopher. In 2014, I wondered what Deleuze and Guattari had to say about the word esprit in A Thousand Plateaus. I possessed a…

Techno thrillers, real life surveillance and data technology: mapping the future?
By Heike Henderson What can contemporary techno thrillers tell us about possible future developments in the areas of surveillance, data mining and predictive technology? In my article for the newly launched journal Crime Fiction Studies, I analyse how bestsellers by…

“There’s a lot of mythology about these events”: unreliable narrators of the Battle of George Square
Last year, near the centenary, Scottish Affairs published my article about the mythology surrounding the so-called ‘Battle of George Square’ on 31 January 1919. This followed another paper published shortly before, summarising the results of my searches in the archives.…