• section of the cover of issue 1.1 of Studies in World Christianity: a blue drawing of a church against a white background

Is Trump vaccinated against the coronavirus?

Where will politicization of the response to COVID-19 end? When former President G.W. Bush issued calls to put partisanship aside and unite in the fight against COVID-19, President Trump virulently criticized the former, reproaching him with not taking his side when Democrats launched the impeachment process against him.

Detail from the Paul Klee painting Camel (in Rhythmic Landscape with Trees, showing an brightly coloured abstract image of a camel surrounded by trees

Rhythm and Critique

Sunil Manghani explores how rhythm came to be one of the most productive terms for critical enquiry into our social, political and cultural lives, and looks to the future of research into rhythm.

Placemaking in a pandemic - how sourdough made us feel at home

Placemaking in a pandemic

How we make place and have a sense of belonging in a pandemic is such a very different experience than many of us have usually experienced.

The Politics of Debt and Disease

Even before COVID-19, unprecedented levels of public and private borrowing placed debt at the centre of academic and public debates. If access to credit at this stage of the pandemic is crucial for keeping alive economies across the globe, the health crisis has further exacerbated our reliance on borrowing. Massive efforts are expected of states and central banks to support not only individual financial institutions but the financial system as a whole.

Five Essentials of Muslim Preaching

To celebrate the release of Muslim Preaching in the Middle East and Beyond: Historical and Contemporary Case Studies, editors Simon Stjernholm and Elisabeth Özdalga take us through five essential things you should know about Muslim preaching. 1. Synchronised sermons When…