Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

How do women and men swear on Twitter, and why does it matter?
By Michael Gauthier For decades now, sociolinguistic studies have showed that social parameters have an influence on the way we express ourselves, and gender is no exception. Swearwords have been shown to be one of these parameters, and it is…

Nominal compound semantics – exhaustive studies, elusive results?
By Vesna Antoniova Why do the intricacies of nominal compounds remain hidden even after being considered in a number of different frameworks? We have seen that even after half a century of research, no satisfactory conclusions to the understanding of…

Arabic and Hebrew in one Text
Dr Mohamed A. H. Ahmed discusses authors who started their literary careers writing in Arabic before switching to write in Hebrew due to social surroundings

Émile Benveniste and the Last Lectures
John J. Joseph, editor of Last Lectures, talks about the process of bringing Émile Benveniste to an English-speaking audience. ‘It’s been a great privilege for me to play a role in making Benveniste’s last lectures available to a wider audience.’…

Free EUP content this month: September 2019
Read on to find out about the latest research content you can access and read for free this month, from journal articles, to free sample chapters and open access books spanning across a range of our core subject areas. Film,…

A corpus-based approach to Charles Dickens’s use of direct thought presentation
by Pablo Ruano Delving into characters’ minds is not Dickens’s strong suit. On the contrary, Dickens’s figures are best known for their simplicity, being frequently characterized by a repeated use of either a striking phrase that dominates their speech (such…

The Rosetta Stone
By Jesse Schotter For the hordes of selfie-snapping tourists at the British Museum, one objects attracts more attention than any other: the Rosetta Stone. Such fascination with the Stone and its hieroglyphs dates back centuries. From the classical era through the…

Explanatory Annotation in the Context of the Digital Humanities
Annotation has become one of the most popular themes in the reception and editing of literary (and other) texts. In the context of digital editions: explanatory annotation spreads in proportion to the growth in electronic texts, amazon x-ray and genius.com…
American television and off-screen registers: a corpus-based comparison
In this post, Tony Berber Sardinha and Marcia Veirano Pinto detail their corpus based research on American television and off-screen registers for an article appearing in Corpora. Read the full article including details of the methodology and results here. What…