• section of the cover of issue 1.1 of Studies in World Christianity: a blue drawing of a church against a white background

cover detail from Evolution Before Darwin

Henry H. Cheek

Bill Jenkins introduces us to the short life and tragic death of Henry H. Cheek, a pre-Darwinian evolutionist. At the University of Edinburgh In many popular accounts of the theory of evolution the reader could be forgiven for coming away…

Free EUP content this month: September 2019

Read on to find out about the latest research content you can access and read for free this month, from journal articles, to free sample chapters and open access books spanning across a range of our core subject areas. Film,…

Ohannes Topalian

A story of Armenian migration to North America

By David Gutman In April 1906, a man appeared at the United States consulate in Sivas, a city located deep in the Anatolian interior in what is today central Turkey. In fluent English, the man identified himself as Ohannes Topalian,…

Making Mongol History

Tracing the life and work of Rashid al-Din

By Stefan Kamola, author of Making Mongol History: Rashid al-Din and the Jamiʿ al-Tawarikh Early in 1839, Professor of Linguistics Duncan Forbes arrived in Inverness with Mir Afzal Ali, representative of the Maharaja of Satara. They had come to visit…

How Information Warfare Shaped the Arab Spring

How Information Warfare Shaped the Arab Spring

An interview with Nathaniel Greenberg – author of How Information Warfare Shaped the Arab Spring: The Politics of Narrative in Tunisia and Egypt – first featured on the Jadaliyya website. Read the original interview Jadaliyya (J): What made you write…