• section of the cover of issue 1.1 of Studies in World Christianity: a blue drawing of a church against a white background

Declaration of Human Fraternity 2019

Christians and Muslims: Friends or Foes?

Read on to explore the details behind writing the first and second edition of the fascinating study looking at the history of the relationship between Christians and Muslims – A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Hugh Goddard. Twenty years ago…

Photograph of Möbius strip with greek lettering

Aristotle and gender: form vs matter?

Even as strides toward gender equality have been made in the last century, the notion that gender is a binary divided between those who determine the social world – men – and those who need to be determined – women…

Moral philosophy header

God in Aristotle’s Ethics

By Tom Angier Does ethics need religion? Do we need to believe in God to be good? These are standard questions in moral philosophy. Strangely, however, they are not asked about (arguably) the greatest philosopher in the Western tradition: namely,…