• Looking down a round tunnel with strip lights and a small doorway at the far end.

Work, but At Your Own Risk … We Warned You

By Audrey Evrard Despite of the loud chorus of political and business leaders extolling the virtues of hard work, a counter-narrative calling into question the centrality of work has gained momentum in France since the early 2000s. My recent article…

Five Unmissable Performances from Penny Dreadful

By Benjamin Poore For the uninitiated, Penny Dreadful is a genre-busting neo-Victorian fantasy horror show, set in the 1890s, in a world where Victor Frankenstein, his Creature, Professor Van Helsing, and Dorian Gray can all co-exist. It’s a world where…

A Study in Four Colours: The Case of the Chameleon Detective

By Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko Sherlock Holmes, “the most portrayed literary human character in film and TV” (Guinness World Records News), is skilled at disguising himself and adjusting to different circumstances and yet remaining himself. Few literary characters lose so little in…

What is non-cinema?

By William Brown I was delighted that Film-Philosophy recently published my essay: ‘Non-Cinema: Digital, Ethics, Multitude’.  The essay is a first articulation of what I am terming non-cinema, and which is the focus of a forthcoming monograph that I am…

John Cura: Pioneer of the Television Archive

By Richard Wallace The work of John Cura is a fascinating side-note in the history of British television. Between 1947 and 1968 Cura made a successful business from photographing the BBC and ITV programmes broadcast to his television set and…

Nancy in Love

‘It is possible that one day I will no longer love you, and this possibility cannot be taken away from love – it belongs to it. It is against this possibility, but also with it, that the promise is made, the word given.’ – Jean-Luc Nancy

Fitting Nowhere

Written by Ghada Karmi, this extract is one of a hundred featured in Being Palestinian: Personal Reflections on Palestinian Identity in the Diaspora, edited by Yasir Suleiman. Now available in paperback for £16.99.  For most of my life, being Palestinian has been…

A century of temperance in alcohol policy and licensing law

By Stuart MacLennan “Crackdowns” on alcohol my well be de rigueur, but they are most certainly not novel. The early 20th century provides the genesis for many contemporary alcohol restrictions, with the temperance movement having achieved considerable influence over public…