Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faith
Read more: Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faithNeil Bruce on the inspiration behind his new featured article in The Innes Review.
Women’s Cinema as Genre Cinema
An extract from the introduction of Genre, Authorship and Contemporary Women Filmmakers By Katarzyna Paszkiewicz I don’t think I’ve read the words women and film and feminism in the same sentence as much in the last few months since…
It should not be ‘a matter of £ s d.’: The Crown estate, foreshore and the public interest
One of the reasons for the devolution of the management of the Scottish Crown estate property to the Scottish government in April 2017 was because of the perception that the Crown Estate Commissioners in London focussed too narrowly on securing…
Ninteenth-Century Local Governance in Ottoman Bulgaria
An account of how bureaucratic procedures created the space for political conflict and slander in nineteenth-century Ottoman Bulgaria and what can we learn from studying them. Why would a district head administrator arrest mules, or someone slander a governor with…
Studying sixteenth-century France from inside and outside France
My guest edited special issue of Nottingham French Studies (NFS), explores ‘Text, Knowledge and Wonder in Early Modern France‘, fleshing out new aspects of the sense of wonder that permeates much literature, philosophy, culture, and ritual in the period. As Genevieve…
Finn Fordham on the Anatomy of Moments
Singing in a choir recently I was lucky enough to experience some intense moments, and less lucky in my attempts to think (again), about ‘moments’, the topic of my inaugural lecture, published in Volume 13.2 of Modernist Cultures. We were singing…
Glasgow Archaeological Society Celebrates 150 Years of Publishing
Glasgow Archaeological Society has been committed to publishing papers and disseminating information on archaeological findings and discoveries since it was founded in December 1856. The first part of what was to become the first volume of the Transactions of Glasgow…
Psychoanalysis in the Academy – what is the future?
In Psychoanalysis and History, some of the leading contemporary academics working with psychoanalysis across several disciplines have taken time to consider the question – What Is the Future of Psychoanalysis in the Academy? – thus giving a timely survey of the status and possibilities…
The Long March of Feminism
By Catherine Riley and Lynne Pearce We were completing the edits on Feminism and Women’s Writing: An Introduction at the end of 2017 when something seismic, something transformational, began to happen. The exposure of Harvey Weinstein’s long history of sexual assault,…
Warwick Ball on the cultural diversity of Afghanistan
It is a pleasure to see the launch of the first issue of Afghanistan, a journal to showcase the country’s exceptional cultural diversity. It is the first scholarly journal devoted to the country since the demise of Afghan Studies in…