Love across the Atlantic: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Love Across the Atlantic

Read on to catch a glimpse of one of the chapters from Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture, edited by Barbara Jane Brickman, Deborah Jermyn and Theodore Louis Trost. Earlier this year, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry…

Diversity in British Cinema

Diversity in British Film and Television

The controversy over ‘all-white’ 2020 BAFTAs once again shows the importance of understanding that issues of diversity are at the forefront of debates film and television. But it’s not just a question of who is, and is not, in the…

Photograph of Möbius strip with greek lettering

Aristotle and gender: form vs matter?

Even as strides toward gender equality have been made in the last century, the notion that gender is a binary divided between those who determine the social world – men – and those who need to be determined – women…


Lesbian Cinema after Queer Theory

In 1998, the celebrated lesbian film scholar B. Ruby Rich wrote: ‘I don’t want to make the mistake of falling into that comfortable old victim box, complaining of absence in the midst of presence. We’re not invisible anymore’ (58). In…