A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish Parliament
Read more: A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish ParliamentDavid McCrone explores public opinion on the devolved Scottish Parliament over the past 25 years.

Clarifying Henry Dundas’ role as a ‘great delayer’ of the abolition of the slave trade (Part 3: A case study in the ethics of academic and public history)
Stephen Mullen Missed Part 1 and 2? Read them here! Part 1Part 2 The Scottish Historical Review was the natural home for this article: based upon a Scot’s actions in parliamentary debates in the House of Commons and his role…

Clarifying Henry Dundas’ role as a ‘great delayer’ of the abolition of the slave trade (Part 2: West India Interests)
Stephen Mullen Missed Part 1? Read it here! I was a reluctant and unintentional scholar of Henry Dundas. Whilst examining the West India Committee records in the University of the West Indies, St Augustine in Trinidad in 2016, I stumbled…

Clarifying Henry Dundas’ role as a ‘great delayer’ of the abolition of the slave trade (Part 1: Historiographical Orthodoxy, Public Debate and Memorialisation)
Stephen Mullen Since 2016 or thereabouts, there has been considerable public discussion about the role of Henry Dundas (1742–1811) in the debates surrounding the abolition of the slave trade in the House of Commons after 1792. Dundas was the Lord…

Lord Seaforth: Highland proprietor in the age of the Clearances and plantation slave owner
Highland landowners in the decades before and after 1800, and Scots associated with plantation slavery in the same period, have had a bad press. The view of many people of the Highland Clearances comes from John Prebble’s book. First published…

The Douglass family and the roots of activism and social justice
By Celeste-Marie Bernier and Andrew Taylor Frederick Douglass. Just the name alone is enough to inspire us to think of a life lived in activism and an unceasing fight for social justice. But there are other names in the life…