Juteopolis?: Dundee’s history as a leading textile town
Read more: Juteopolis?: Dundee’s history as a leading textile townThe authors of The Triumph of Textiles discuss poverty and prosperity during Dundee's time as a textile town
An extract from ‘The CounterText interview: Tom McCarthy’
An interview between 2015 Man Booker Prize finalist Tom McCarthy and the editors of CounterText: Ivan Callus and James Corby.…
Gender as trans-formation
By Jenny Sundén A moment in time that Time Magazine has termed “the transgender tipping point” – showcasing transgender celebrities at…
Spotlight on CounterText: ‘Toward Countertextuality’
The second issue of CounterText, ‘Toward Countertextuality’, is out later this month. CounterText was launched this year with the stated…
Post-Politicisation and the Return of the Political
An Interview with Graham Harman
Spotlight on Scottish Archaeological Journal
Founded in 1969, the Scottish Archaeological Journal publishes original articles which aim to further the study of archaeology in Scotland.…
CounterText: call for papers
CounterText Call for Papers Special Issue: Explorations in Electronic Literature Edited by Mario Aquilina and Ivan Callus An entire epoch…
Multiculturalism Isn’t a Dirty Word
David Cameron has been avoiding the m-word. In his recent speech about extremism, the word ‘multicultural’ was noticeable by its…
Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Kim’ and Charisma in the British Empire
Although he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907, Rudyard Kipling’s ‘publicly pronounced racist and imperialist attitudes have’, as…