Scottish Diaspora Virtual Issue

Our Scottish Studies Scottish Diaspora Virtual Issue has just launched, and features almost 30 journal articles and book chapters from across our Scottish Studies lists, with introductions written by Beth Cowen from Glasgow University and Ersev Ersoy and Kristian Kerr…

Stands Scottish Literature Where It Did? Revisiting Devolution

It’s been fifteen years since the last fat volume of essays on contemporary Scottish writing. Only a blink of historical time, but it’s been quite an eventful period. When the chapters of Berthold Schoene’s brilliant Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature were being written, both the country and its debates looked rather different.

detail of La Passionara

The Scots at Jarama

By Fraser Raeburn On this day 84 years ago, Scottish soldiers went into battle. For most of them, it was for the very first time – and for many, it would also be their last. Throughout modern Scottish history, this…

Remembering the history of Scottish land reform

By Ewen Cameron I was delighted to publish Freshness, Freedom, and Peace?: Land Settlement in Scotland after the Great War  in Northern Scotland, 2nd series, 11.2 (2020), 161–75. This was a special issue arising from a stimulating conference held at…