• Looking down a round tunnel with strip lights and a small doorway at the far end.

Anniversary of the African Union: AJICL Virtual Issue

By Prof. Hajer GUELDICH Prof Hajer GUELDICH introduces our special African Journal of International and Comparative Law Virtual issue on the anniversary of the African Union. This issue is free to access on the Edinburgh University Press journals website until…

Stands Scottish Literature Where It Did? Revisiting Devolution

It’s been fifteen years since the last fat volume of essays on contemporary Scottish writing. Only a blink of historical time, but it’s been quite an eventful period. When the chapters of Berthold Schoene’s brilliant Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature were being written, both the country and its debates looked rather different.

Event Catch-up: Etienne Balibar in Conversation

We were delighted to host philosopher Etienne Balibar in a fascinating online conversation about his book, Spinoza: The Transindividual. Published in our Incitements series, it is one of the most important books published on Spinoza in the last 30 years.…

A statue of Plato in front of an Athens government building

Plato on how to describe the changing world

by Takeshi Nakamura From time to time throughout his dialogues, Plato complains how difficult it is to capture the transient natural world with inert language (e.g., the Theaetetus and the Cratylus). After all, the world in flux changes as you…

An old-time photo of two people riding on a two-seated bike across a field

Moving forward with Aristotle

by John M. Pemberton Is the world changing? When you cycle along on your bicycle, are you moving? If you ask the woman on the Clapham omnibus, then the answer will be an emphatic: ‘Yes, of course!’ However, many of…